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March 30, 2002 April 1, 2002

Time Show Episode Image
9:00am Fox News Sunday March 31, 2002 Fox News '96
Nationally broadcast Fox programming suspended until 7:00pm.
7:00pm Futurama Futurestock New '01
2002-03-31 1900pm Futurama
7:30pm King of the Hill Tankin' It to the Streets New '01
8:00pm The Simpsons Blame It on Lisa New '01
2002-03-31 2000pm The Simpsons
8:30pm Greg the Bunny SK-2.0 (a.k.a. How the Count Got His "Blah" Back) New '01
2002-03-31 2030pm Greg the Bunny
9:00pm The X-Files Underneath New '01
2002-03-31 2100pm The X-Files
