The show featured reenactments of dangerous fugitives that are portrayed by actors, interspersed with on-camera interviews, with Walsh in a voiceover narration. Each episode also featured photographs of dangerous fugitives, as well as a toll-free hotline number where viewers could give information at 1-800-CRIME-TV (1-800-274-6388), and they were allowed to remain anonymous. For the show's 2021 revival (Season 26), Elizabeth Vargas hosted the program. Season 27 was hosted by John Walsh and his son Callahan Walsh.
Episode List[]
The following is a list of episodes of America's Most Wanted. Over 1,100 episodes have aired between the original series and the 2021 revival. Episodes that aired on Lifetime from 2011-2012 will not be acknowledged here.
To improve performance, episodes from the original 1988-2011 run are split into separate pages, which will be linked below.
Note: This Page is a Work in Progress, and will continue to be updated overtime.